With Monday 25th May being another Bank Holiday, Nottingham City Transport is reminding passengers that the continuing COVID-19 ‘lockdown’ means its Green 10 buses should still only be used by key workers to and from our village – or by people needing to use public transport to Ruddington’s shops to buy essential supplies or for medical requirements.
The reduced ‘core’ timetable NCT is currently operating will also apply on this date. If you’ll be changing buses onto the Medilink service, the company confirms these buses will also still run on May 25th. However, the operator’s Call Centre is closed on Saturday 23rd May, Sunday 24th May and Monday 25th May.
As a gradual easing of restrictions means bus passenger numbers are soon expected to rise, NCT has announced it will reinstate some services as additions to its ‘Special Timetables’ from Sunday May 31st – full details of which can be found >>HERE<<. This is also to enable better ‘social distancing’ by maintaining lower passenger numbers on each bus. However, this does not include the return of Ruddington’s Navy 3 service just yet – nor any changes to the current Green 10 schedules.
The operator is now also saying it may be ‘marginally beneficial’ for passengers in some circumstances to wear a face covering as a precautionary measure. You’ll find its latest guidance >>HERE<<.

You can see the ‘lockdown’ Ruddington Green 10 bus timetable >>HERE<<.